Possibly the worst film i have ever seen
enough said..
Head of Promotions of IST -International Society of Tracers
enough said..
Head of Promotions of IST -International Society of Tracers
Your loss....
sharenot really..
i know and what was with the soundtrack?? it was just that song that goes uh oh, uh oh, and the nasty girls top, j'adore dior, that was her ONLY outfit!!!
*previously booyakashababe*
piece of cheesy teeny crap
and i usually like cheesy teeny crap
Yeah personally I don't mind movies like this but Lola's character was the type of person I wasn't friends with in school. More worried about her clothes and her future.
If it were my type of character it'd be down to earth, don't care what Karla Santini says or does and just puts on blue jeans and a t-shirt.
That's just my opinion though.
I was told to see this movie because Lola was so much like me. I am seriously upset with this friend for thinking that. I will admit, I did meet one of my best friends by seeing her Frodo pin and getting excited, but other than that. . .let's just say that it is a shallow piece of crap.
Over analyzed this? Mos
Some of it was good. But most of it was crap.
Smile confuse's people
i had to stop the movie about an hour after i played coz lindsay lohan was very irritating! the movie's obviously not for oscars but can't it at least be a little funny? oh if only movies can be remixed...
sharehow come everybody hates this film, its not the best film ever and not even lindsay lohans best work but it was still a great film
sharethe only good bit was.......erm......still thinking............erm.....i know!
NOTHING its an embarrassment to lohans career im telling ya!
ok one good bit is that adam garcia was hot and thats it!
as i lay looking at the stars, i wondered where the *beep* is my roof?