How come?

I don't think this movie was ever released in Europe. I live in Belgium so I'm not quite sure about other countries, but I remember reading the book, looking forward to the movie and never seeing it. Was it a flop in the US?


I don't know how was it in US...
but i live in Israel and I saw the movie here....


hey. i live in australia and it went pretty well here. and in america too i think. i personally liked it at the time and now i think its just terrible.try to watch it if you can- its cheesy and (supposed to be) funny. and there are little random cartoony bits through out the movie which really annoyed me. it's kinda sad in parts too.lindsay lohans acting is pretty bad compared to what it is nowadays.
I'm pretty sure evryone liked it at the time (in aus anyway).
I'm sorry if what i've sad hasnt helped but try to see the movie anyway cos i think everyone has diff opinions and you may like it or you may not.
anyway have a try,
Nina x0

p.s if you wanna know how it went in the us go on the message boards on imdb and im sure there will be heaps of stuff on how it went in US there.


thanks :D i read the book and loved it, and i just talked to a friend who told me seeing the movie totally spoiled it so.. i don't know, still want to see it :D

