ARTWORK question - MLK/Ghandi

Hi I just watched this movie, I got it for my nieces, but I atleast did not fall asleep during it!

Anyway, there is a point in the movie where it shows "lola/mary" sitting on their orangish red couch and behind her you can see artwork - it shows 3 men famous, cant remember all of them, I think one was ghandi, and for sure another was martin luther king with the word "dream" below. (all 3 men had a diff word)....

Was this original art? WHo was it by? Can it be purchased??

Would love to know.



I was thinking the same thing!

I found this on the net:

Mohandas ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi ~ "Watching" ~ Non-Violence
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ "Dreaming" ~ Social Change
The Dalai Lama* ~ "Waiting" ~ Re-Imagining of Religion

*The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

I couldn't find the actual combination of photos with those corresponding words as a complete image on the net, so I think what we saw in the movie was put together for the movie...but I could definitely be wrong so don't set that in stone. On the other hand, it would be easy enough to make.

try this website.
