Lindsay Loahan vs Megan Fox
I like much Lindsay
Megan....Lindsay is a hott mess! she was fine back then, but now, not so much
Ella Simms is the sh!t
In this movie I couldnt stand Lindsay.
now and then? Megan (:
Lindsay Lohan is a far better actress...
Megan Fox is relying on her looks. That is not to say that Lindsay doesn't...but she has a far greater stretch of character and imagination.
I would love to work with Lindsay. Aside of being really good looking, she can also perform, when given something that is written with real strength to showcase her.
Lindsay will rise and when she does, she will blow everybody's expectations away.
Neither. Megan now, but hse looked so generic back then and Lindsay I have never found remotely pretty... but I guess Megan, because at least she looks a little more unique know and doesn't look 40 thanks to crack. She was also much more suited to her role than Lindsay was to Lola.
IMDb is not a fansite, contrary to popular opinion!
Megan Fox catches so much flak from so many different directions that I've started to feel the urge to stick up for her.
"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"