Hey, transformers girl is in this.

Didn't make that connection. I think its weird that nobody said she was stunningly beautiful and the hottest woman on earth when she was in this movie. curious...i honestly think there are hotter.

Everybody circle up. 4,5 on 3, Ready? 1,2,3: 4,5!!!


Looks better than Lindsay Lohan. Already noticed her in Two and a half men.



or all plastic...



How is telling the truth jealousy?
It still amazes me that if someone doesn't like someone, it must be because of jealousy. I hate the color yellow, but I'm not jealous of it; I just prefer others, as I'm sure us who don't find MF to be the most gorgeous woman on the planet, do find other women to be.

Have you seen an early picture of her? She was so adorable and approachable. Now she completely redid herself with so much work. I don't find manufactured beauty attractive.

Cursing is a crutch for the communicationally-challenged.


If you know anything about Megan Fox at all, you know she isn't the type to get plastic surgery when she's like 24. She looks exactly the same now as she did then, a little less young. Don't be a bitch and assume that because she's hot, she's fake and plastic. Some people are born hot. Maybe you weren't, but that's not a cause to hate on other people for it.

I just love it when life comes along and slaps me on the ass.



And you just proved you have nothing to prove. How am I an idiot, idiot?

Zombie Nugget


i'm a huge Megan Fox fan, but it's doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that she's had some work done. yes, a face can change from an 18 year old to a 24 year old. but Megan has definitely had her nose done (maybe 2 times), and it looks like she may have had something done to her jawline

"...movies don't create psychos. movies make psychos more creative!"



Reason is because in this movie she looked a bit plain and very young. Seriously, she looks more adult in Transformers than in this movie. Inn this movie, she looks like a skinny, 15 year old kid.
