Another Mistake

Just something I noticed. The concert date is June 11th and apparently they are still in school? I don't know that many public schools continue through the middle of June.


Mine goes to June 27th or something. Yes that is possible and it's 100% not a mistake.


My school goes up to June 14th.


Yeah, that isn't uncommon...I didn't have my graduation until June 15th of this year. But it was mostly because of snow days.

"...I don't want to let you go, and I don't want to lose you slowly..."


we just got our summer holiday TODAY!!
so it's not a mistake


I got out this year on the 16th.It's not that uncommon though.Different schools have different dates off getting out.Duh.



in jersey you get out usually within the first two weeks of june


In some parts of the country the school year is September through June, and others it is August through May.



I am getting into this very late but when I was in school, it ended for summer around the 20th of June.

Not all schools start and end on the exact same day.


I live in New Jersey and I never got out of school until at least the 20th of June.


I live in Maryland and in the county where I live, school ends on June 16th.

