MovieChat Forums > Constantine (2005) Discussion > One of the best movies in this genre

One of the best movies in this genre

This film had some truly amazing cinematography.
Some of the shots and sequences look better than most films of 2014.

Keanu Reeves gives a brilliant performance in this role and at times it is
very "Matrix-esque" like. The light humor in some scenes were brilliant,
particularly at the end (3 good ones), especially the finger to Lucifer haha.

Great film, and musical score.

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Why did they kill off Shia LaBeouf though


Not really you see him after the end credits.


Yeah but he's going to heaven, right? Maybe he'll be granted a resurrection as well though.

PS: I definitely agree that it's one of the best movies in this genre. The other one imho is "The Prophecy (1995)" (Viggo plays an awesome Lucifer!)


Why did they kill off Shia LaBeouf though

Because the writers are psychic and they knew that 10 years later, everyone would want that *beep* POS dead 

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Yes, definitely a masterpiece.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾


Totally agree with you. Everytime its on tv i watch it. Great film and Keanu is great.


Please OP, you're killing me! That's some really funny stuff you wrote there.

Seriously though, I wouldn't hesitate calling it a first-rate film. It's entertaining, well-constructed, visually striking in its own right, and the cast does a great job. Love the atmosphere, too.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
