taking his lungs?

I understand most of this movie. Wonderful, but why did Lucifer take johns lungs before rising to heaven? What I'm guessing is Lucifer wanted him to stay on earth instead of going into heaven so he took his dead lungs. I don't know if that's correct or not.


My understanding was that Constantine sacrificed his life for the twin's soul, thus saving his own life and wiping his slate clean. Lucifer took his cancerous lungs so that he had more time on earth to sin, dirty that slate and end up back in hell.

In the very last scene Constantine pops a piece of gum into his mouth instead of a cigarette. I think it's meant to be a piece of nicotine gum and one last joke.


Yes, he removed the cancer from John's body so that he would have more time on Earth and thus more opportunity to screw up and get condemned to hell again.


I just watched the dvd again a few minutes ago.

My impression is (and has always been) that Lucifer took the all the cancers out of Constantine (now that he had earned his way into heaven), so John will have more time to prove that he really belongs in Hell.

Great film, especially the always-perfect Tilda Swinton.


I agree and feel that if the TV series had continued the theme of John working with the psychic detective it would have been a much better TV show.


Had Constantine remained with his cancerous lungs, he would have died very soon after and gone straight to heaven.
