Nazi Flag in Mexico

Couldn't figure why there would be a Nazi Flag in Mexico? I looked up Mexico's involvement with WW II and for my sins, I get an bummer answer. Mexico didn't have a damn thing to do other then send some "Military Personal" to Italy? Total of 100 lives were given to the 65 million dead? Mexico declared itself "Non-Committed" during World War 2? Hollywood payback in full force with Nazi Flag wrapped around the "Spear of Destiny" which in the end, killed Jesus Christ! Then adding insult to injury...the sheep falling dead as the "Grubbing Mexican" walks among them. As an Hispanic, am I angry? No... freak'n Mexico deserves everything it gets!


It definitely wasn't meant as a slight against Mexico. It's been awhile since I've seen the movie so I don't remember exactly what they say but I'm pretty sure it was at least implied the nazis wanted the spear to use as a weapon, like in raiders of the lost arc. After the war many nazis fled to South America. Maybe it was taken north to Mexico by conventional means, ala smugglers, or maybe whatever took control of the man we see find it has been working to bring the spearhead north the whole time it has been in South America? I don't think they explicitly spell it out but I'm certain it was not found in Mexico as part of some obscure historical insult on the part of the filmmakers.


Hitler had people looking for the spear of Destiny he believed the legend that he who has it can't be defeated in war I remember reading somewhere


Hitler actually HAD the Spear of Destiny (one of the four reputed artifacts, but definitely the one that Charlemagne had possession of as well). As the Allies sacked Austria, they sent a team in to retrieve it and other artifacts and got it back. Eventually Patton held it briefly and then they returned it to Europe somewhere, probably church-related. I saw all this in a documentary (surely listed on IMDB called "Hitler and the Spear of Destiny). Patton actually wrote poetry about the Spear of Destiny as well that is read in part in that doc.


Hitler actually HAD the Spear of Destiny (one of the four reputed artifacts, but definitely the one that Charlemagne had possession of as well). As the Allies sacked Austria, they sent a team in to retrieve it and other artifacts and got it back. Eventually Patton held it briefly and then they returned it to Europe somewhere, probably church-related. I saw all this in a documentary (surely listed on IMDB called "Hitler and the Spear of Destiny). Patton actually wrote poetry about the Spear of Destiny as well that is read in part in that doc.

cool info..ty

Moderators are Nazi's....


The script originally had it found in Turkey, but budget cuts forced it closer to home, in other words to Mexico. And in hindsight we can assume escaped nazis went to South America and thus the spear found its way to Mexico

• I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman •


Sheesh, they could have made fake Turkey sets or CG background. ;P
Ant @ The Ant Farm ( and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (


It is more than just background setting... They would then have to show how he crossed the oceans, multiple countries etc. keeping it closer to home simplified it a bit


Common knowledge #1. The Nazis, were incredibly interested in the occult and fabled artefacts and any means of getting power from them, Hellboy, Wolfenstein and Raiders of the Lost Arc all cash in on this famous trivia.

Common knowledge #2 South America is known as the place most escaping Nazis sought to start new lives, it's not far fetched for an item to get as north as Mexico by someone trying to make it to the States.

I wish people would read more and eat less.

You don't know sh!t, Jon Snow!


It's also possible that some Mexican rich collector guy got his hands on the spear and a Nazi flag some time after WWII. Personally I think it's a nod to Raiders of the Lost Ark.


It is more likely a nod to the story that, shortly before Germany was defeated in total, the Spear of Destiny was hidden by the Nazis in a remote place. Here it was hidden beneath some ruins in Mexico. I'd wager a bit that there is no intended nod to the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

It was simply so that the Nazis hid it there. Even though in the original story, accoding to a previous poster, the Spear of Destiny was supposed to be found in Turkey.



During WWII, Mexico was not involved, but at one point the Nazi Germany was close to getting Mexico to join the Axis of Evil and through Mexico, attack the United States.

Mexico stayed put to see how things developed and eventually sided with the Allies. They would have made a terrible mistake, and international relations with the US would be VERY different than what they are today. Think Hiroshima + Cuban embargo...


I'm not sure if there is any truth to this, but I remember one movie playing with the idea of a false flag operation of Nazi operations in the US and Mexico, in order to push the US population to enter the war (which the leaders know had to be done but the population was hesitant).

Not sure if this is true, but maybe this is how the idea of Nazi operations about an attack on the US entered the "folklore".


Actually Mexico WAS involved in WWII. They sent a fighter Squadron (Escuadron 201) to help the allies free the Philippines. Mexico is a peaceful country, and tries to stay away from international conflict (per their Constitution) they are working to amend this and WWII was their only exception. They where promised by Hitler that if they sided with the Axis they would own the American Southwest again, MEXICO DECLINED. They in turn sank Mexican oil ships destined for the USA. Mexico is also part of the UN.
