a very strange adjective ot attach to such an act. Or at least not very accurate. I have not seen the whole movie yet, therefore I am not sure about the scene you are discussing, but I would say that this is always an hororable suicide, even if it is not public or a means of a death penalty, allowing the deceased's familiy to keep his possesions. A man capable of committing this is by no means dishonored by the act itself. The seppuku is the answer to dishonor. The weapon used is the weapon available. If it is an execution (see above) there is a special blade with no handle, just wrapped up in a piece of cloth and men to almost decapitate the victim (the head should not be completely separated from the body). But if you are alone you may use a katana, a wakizashi or even a piece of a broken blade.
About the left-handed samurai - noone is taught to use a left hand. But noone would stop him after he begins his own life. A fine example is Musashi (although he usualy used both hands, he also sometimes used only his left). Therefore it is quite possible that such na extraordinary man as Saito Hajime could have been left-handed.