this movie is NOT 7.6 material...the fight scenes are pretty good but that's about it...i thought the whole little plot line with the main character constantly asking his superiors to be paid in money was so contrived (yes, i realize he was trying to help is family but they could've found a better plot device than that) and the ending where the main character is dead and his friend is trying to shove rice in his mouth and bemoaning him was so heavy handed, unconvincing, and overly-sentimental to the point that it was just wanna see a quality samurai movie? watch a kurosawa film
Not 7.6 meterial??? So may ppl disagree with you, actually I've seen almost every samurai movie and Kurosawa movie available in Europe and/or through internet and this is my absolute favorite.
Haha, that rice scene in the end made me!
It has a cool title, cool action scenes, and as a student of the Japanese language it's always fun listening to the dialogue, but there was little more of merit in this film. By the end I was chuckling and apologizing to my family for making them sit through it. If you want a samurai film with warm fuzzies Yoji Yamada's stuff is much better, imho.
I love samurai films and watch lots of them, and I've seen *much* better ones than this one.
Samurai were as much poetry and feelings as they were sword and duty. I think this film is the first i have seen which emphasises the human qualities in such a way. I actually felt like crying a number of time during this film, as a father and husband, the scenes where he has to say goodbye to his family were heart breaking and as for the scene where he is on his own in his friends castle, imagining he is telling his wife and children the reasons why he he has to kill himself, still gives me goosebumps.
If you want to see bloody and guts, then i can understand why you found this film disappointing, althought there was enough of that here too.
If you want to see a heart-warming, heart-breaking story of love, honour and duty, look no further than this instant classic.
I think both you and the people you're disagreeing with have a point. It's true that the samurai were, as you put it, as much poetry and feelings as sword and duty. And I certainly didn't go into this movie thinking a samurai movie has to be just blood and guts. But at a certain point it's just pouring it on a little too thick. I'm not knocking the movie but they really could have cut the ending down by about 10 minutes, if not more. It was just too much. They overdid it.
"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor." - Voltaire
I gave it a 6. I considered giving it a 7, but that would be pushing it. 6.5 would be a good rating for it, but imdb doesn't let you do half-numbers. It really is a good movie, but it poured on the drama just a little too thick and it really dragged the ending out for much too long. It felt like the ending was half the movie. After a while, we kinda get the point and it's just beating a dead horse. It's not a bad movie but they did overdo it towards the end. I get that it's an emotional story but come on.
"The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor." - Voltaire