I agree that they could've found funnier people as a supporting cast but I thought they cast they had was good. The only problem I saw was that there wasn't much for them to work with. Pretty much the whole movie revolves around Cedric (He's in every single scene) with Vanessa coming in a distant second and the kids coming in a non existant third.
For a family oriented film the character development was extremely scarce. Only thing we know about Vanessa is that she wants to be a CPA. Solange talks on the phone like mad and is boy crazy. Bow Wow wants to be a rappper, and Lil Destiny...well we don't know much about her except that she can't open a box of fruit loops and keeps company with an invisible dog named Sir Barks-a-lot
At the end of the movie we see Cedric embrace his wife and her dreams and as a result get more in touch with her but he doesn't really do that with his kids. It would have been interesting to see Cedric constantly come down on Bow Wow for wanting to be a rapper but at some point finds out that his son is really intelligent and that rapping is his passion and thus becomes more in touch with him
Or the reason Solange is always on the phone and talking to boys is because she's shallow and materialistic in which case her father could show her thats not the way she should be and thus becoming more in touch with her
Or even finding out that the reason Destiny keeps an invisible dog around is because she's not sociable and doesn't know how to make friends and Cedric could tell her she has nothing to be afraid of and show her how to make friends and thus become more in touch with her.
There should of been a more interaction between the kids also
I'm not trying to say this is was a bad movie, it was good for what it was worth but seeing as how it was a family movie there should've been a little more family values expressed which would've have made it a better movie
Thats why it seems like the supporting cast is there strictly for decoration
Quagmire: Oh, Lois, I'd do everything to you
Lois: What?
Quagmire: I'd do anything for you