My SERIOUS opinion of Into the Sun
I saw this one last night and as in many of Seagal's movies the acting was just terrible. For example, when Seagal's partner gets shot in the opening sequence it was almost hilarious how bad someone can act. And ALSO, the story itself doesn't make much sense. Why would an experienced CIA, FBI or whatever agent jeopardise an important mission by firing at two lowlives trying to rape a village girl? What's more important? To screw up the whole mission worth lives, high tech equipment and a LOT of money or saving that girl from being harrased?
And what about the other actors? LoL! Well, oh boy! Where to begin? Let me just say that those Japs tried to be so cool that it cracked me up. The "veteran" Yakuza guys were the only ones that I took a bit more seriously.
As for Seagal's performace, I'll leave that discussion open. I guess he looked better than he did in Belly of the Beast but of course he's aged a lot in comparison to his earlier works. However, as far as I know no one's immune against getting older...
I would rate this movie 4 stars out of 10 (40%). It's worth looking at a rainy day or evening but trust me, it's a low budget movie and expect less than more.