Director's Comment?

Hi out there!

I justed bought the DVD to this really fantastic movie. And I won't regret that for sure. But what bothered me is that there is no comment included by the director or the cast or anyone. With a movie like this with so many hilariously funny symbolic situations, I would have expected to get a commentary audio track on the DVD.

So, I'm asking: Does anyone own a DVD with a Director's Comment for this movie? And can you tell me which country and which edition this is on? Perhaps I could order that one as well and give away mine for Christmas or something. :o)

Thanks a lot.

Oh, by the way: I have the only available edition from Germany, so other Germans don't need to bother looking. :o)

All ortography and punctuation appearing in this post are fictitious.
Any resemblance to existing rules is purely coincidental and not
intended. :o)


The REGION 1 single disc version and 2-disc Special Edition both have two full length audio commentaries.

1. Director
2. Director & Cast

Here's the info for the DVD versions:

Why are you squeezing me with your body?


Wow! Great! Thanks!
The Special Edition seems to be equipped like only few DVD editions are in Germany! I'm definitely going to order it as my own Christmas present. :o)

Happy holidays!


Here's a free director's comment posted on youtube:


