MovieChat Forums > I Heart Huckabees (2004) Discussion > need some clarification about the encoun...

need some clarification about the encounters with the african guy

Hi guys,
So I am writing a paper on comparing I Heart Huckabees to buddhism for school and I am a bit confused with Albert's coincidences with the african guy. What really was the meaning of seeing him everywhere? with the french philosopher, even though she says there is no meaning in life due to everything being separate, it is who gives meaning to the encounters with the African guy (ex: the scene with Albert's parents)? Why do the jaffes feel that some coincidences just have no meaning at all? Isn't the view of the encounters with the african guy contradicting the theories each detective preaches? Shouldn't it be the jaffes who feel there is connection among everything to give meaning the the encounter?

any responses would be helpful. thanks so much!


I don't think that there is any sort of clear answer as to the meaning of Albert running into Stephen (the Sudanese guy), or if there is any meaning at all. Caterine links Stephen and Albert at a very simple level, that both are orphans in a very broad sense. I don't see this as contradicting her philosophy, since she sees suffering, cruelty, and loneliness as universals common to all people. When you take on that viewpoint, every instance of pain or betrayal is connected together as a confirmation of your view.

Although the Jaffes see everything as connected together, it does not necessarily follow that there is a reason for every coincidence. Maybe it would be better so say that there is not necessarily a simple reason for every coincidence. For them, trying to explain the connection of things requires a great deal of evidence, as shown by their constant evidence gathering, and in the scene after the one with Albert's parents. In that scene Albert asks them why they didn't make the connection that Caterine did, and Vivian responds, "Because you lied to us. You told us that the African guy was the doorman at your friend's building, not at your parents' building. You encrypted the truth." If everything is connected together as parts of one big blanket, then it's hard to explain what's going on in any one part of the blanket without having a good understanding of lots of other related parts of the blanket.

-- TopFrog


thank you so much, that really helped! it makes a lot more sense to me now.
