Philosophical Film
Lighten up, man.
You don't have convince those you assume to not understand this flick of deep thought.
If you like it, great. But there's no need to single out the ones who may not like or understand certain films.
Furthermore, you can refrain from using a vocabulary where a lexicon must be employed to follow your one and only attempt of a sensible conversation.
It just p**sses people off.
You can also stop the name dropping.
Just be because Camus is your one and only, his absurd view towards the meaningless is not needed nor does it impress us.
Remember, most movies have some sort of a philosophy already in place.
But, it's not reviewed in such a pompous manner and ask others if they recognized the Oedipus Rex connotations.
Some may like your movie and some may not. Deal with it. Variety is the spice of life.
I can bet you there's a bit of philosophy there to satisfy those in needing a fix.
Think a little about how you label peoples minds by their choice of drink.
Does that choice of drink actually be the barometer of social status?
Some of us drink out of a mug and sometimes a wine glass. From a Miller to a Malbec. So don't worry about it, your expectations are excused and not warranted here.
It's better to make your point by just telling us the name of the director. We can then check his or her credentials and come to our own conclusion. The directors track record holds more weight and a much plausible argument than a weak clinical term.
As an FYI, it's a bit hard to swallow all of those plugs of dead doctors and big fancy words when yer movie is in a big ole bin at Walmart selling fer five bucks.