MovieChat Forums > The Family Stone (2005) Discussion > Meanest characters I have ever seen in a...

Meanest characters I have ever seen in a movie

I went into this movie thinking I was going to see something like a "National Lampoons Christmas vacation" comedy.

No, instead I got some of meanest, nastiest, stuck up characters I have ever seen in a holiday movie.

Who was this movie made for, snobby interracial homosexual deaf mute's with sick family members?


It's sort of like kids in elementary school that torture and ridicule the new kid for no reason. They weren't violent people, but bullies of the worst kind nonetheless


That’s pretty hypocritical of you. Call these characters mean then turn around and insult people of race, homosexuals, and handicapped people? Why would mean characters ensue this movie would be for those demographics? smh


Acknowledging someone someone's race, sexual orientation, and handicap doesn't exactly make someone a bigot. Nice try though.

I'm describing one character in the movie who was obviously a tool the writer developed as a means to an end, to try to get us feel bad for but instead backfired and just made us not care about him at all.


They were mean to her from the get go. Everything she did, right or wrong, they hated Merideth because she was more conservative. But then as soon as her sister walks in, not knowing anything, they welcome her and love her IMMEDIATELY. Please. It was weird.


Yeah I didn't get that. What was so special about the sister that they were falling all over themselves kissing her ass like she was the greatest thing since sliced bread the moment she walked in the door. While Merideth was treated worse than a common criminal from the second she came in.


What utter balls.

Why does there have to be a reason for him to be gay or deaf, or for his partner to be black? They just are those things, as they would be in real life - disabled people's lives aren't constant plots revolving around their disabilities. I applaud the director for including characters who just happen to be disabled, gay, BME... It never happens which is a disgrace when you think about it objectively.

They are not horribly mean people - two characters are unpleasant to Meredith fell the outset. One has already met her and doesn't like her, the other is an overly protective mother who knows she is dying and won't be around to support her son when he realises he has made a mistake. They are an incredibly close family unit, due to the difficult situations they have come through together - it's very difficult to break through the walls of a unit like that. It's incredibly astute actually.

I am not deaf, gay or black and I loved this film long before my own mother died of cancer. It sounds like you're a little too shallow to grasp the subtleties of the relationships here, and too focussed on shallow things like race and sexuality to view people as people. I feel sorry for you.


I thought they were mean to her in two occasions:

1. when she and Everett arrived and they took the family picture, how come noone (including Everett) invited her to be in the picture?

2. when Elisabeth broke her shoes, Susanna acted like it was ok 'sorry, we might have some glue...'. From what I know, when your child breaks something, you should try to repair.
