can't comment on this movie without bringing up politics and race.
It's ridiculous reading all this crap about Liberal this, judging that and racism.
So glad I'm not living in that country.
I enjoyed the film. It's tough meeting your partners family while missing your own family at the same time. It was quite romantic how they went for each others siblings. Oh yeah then we get the contrived comments...sigh I am seriously sick of all you *beep* dickheads.
--- Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
Second, We bring up race and politics with this movie because that's exactly what this movie does. Only this movie thinks it knows how to handle those things which it most certainly doesn't.
FYI, I'm pretty sure, even if you are from mars my friend, politics/race is talked about and brought up there too so get your head out of your butt and grow up. race and politics is everywhere my friend, EVERYWHERE!!
I am an American and in many ways, I agree with you. Everything here has become SO polarized. If you're white and conservative (as I am) some think I must automatically be racist, homophobic, and wealthy. This a ridiculous portrayal that our American media perpetuates - and our current administration does nothing to bridge the gap and bring people together.
Today is July 4th....our Independence Day. The day Americans celebrate our most prized value: FREEDOM.
As I write I am listening and seeing fireworks out my window and As things in our country get worse, I don't even feel patriotic anymore. So many here would love to see our Constitution thrown away. The principles and values that our great nation were founded on are (by many) considered quaint and even wrong! It's very sad to me. And again, our current leader couldn't care less. You're accurate that even a movie in America has turned into someone whining about race, sexual orientation, and being politically correct. It most certainly is disgusting and makes our country appear weak and hopeless. Even many of us Americans are losing hope.
Please be advised, however, not all of us are blind sheep. Many of us ARE furious with having idiotic celebrities who won't stop talking about the environment and global warming or gay rights, a liberal media who has no use for the truth, and a traitor for a president!
Many of us are frustrated, fed up, and ready to write-off this country. All great civilizations eventually fall. I'm just appalled and heartbroken that I don't even recognize this country anymore. Sad. Very sad.
Hilarious. I'm not American and I can tell you a few things - firstly, it's not your liberal media that has no use for the truth, it's the insane right wingers of Fox et al. Secondly, people in the public eye promoting environmental issues and gay rights is not your country's biggest problem - your biggest problems are living in a country that puts profits before human life (as proven by your disgusting healthcare system) and the fact that people insist that the constitution cannot be amended while insisting an amendment is upheld (clearly these people don't understand the definition of an amendment). It's insane to me that any civilised country allows people access to weapons of mass murder, and has a police force that can seemingly murder whoever they choose and get away with it.
Your problems are far bigger than the concerns over liberals that seem to be troubling you. Wake up.
And if the USA is so bad, why are people running here in droves?
You might not be, and we're very happy about that. Trust me.
Profits before human life? Oh, please!!! Get real. If you're so concerned about human life, I would love to hear what you say about the process of stopping a life in the womb. You liberals never seem to have a problem with that. Talk about total hypocrites. People will be all up in arms about war, and lives lost in war. Yet they will never say one thing about aborted babies.
As for FOX News….that's just another viewpoint. We know liberals don't want that. They want all media sources to espouse their opinion and no one else's. The fact is, you watch FOX News and the things they report are actually backed up with evidence that comes straight from the horse's mouth. If they report that some liberal politician has said or done something, they have the evidence in video, whatever, to prove it. Just because your liberal media sources don't report it doesn't mean they aren't happening. There's obvious reasons the liberal media doesn't report such stories. Lucky for them they have a bunch of ignorant people who spout a bunch of stuff they have overheard about FOX but really don't know to be true.
That's one thing I will say about the USA. We have become a place where all you have to do is say it and people buy into it as the truth. Whether it is or not. They hear what they want to hear, but ignore those things they don't want to hear.
As for the critiques of people in the USA. Get over yourselves. You may be able to mislead some people on here, but I've traveled all over the world, and have friends from the four corners of the earth, as well. And from what I've personally observed in my travels, as well as from what I've heard directly from those who come from those places, EVERY country has its issues with people. People are people, wherever they come from. In fact, friends of mine from Eastern Europe have said that bigotry and racist ideals are alive and well in countries all over Europe as well. So again, get over yourselves.
I know it's chic, progressive and hip to jump on the anti-American bandwagon, but you're not fooling everyone with the half truths.
It's a shame Americans can't…….
Guess what. You can plug in any country you want and get the same results. So again, enough with the drama and the generalizations and the stereotypes. They will never give you the whole truth.
f you're so concerned about human life, I would love to hear what you say about the process of stopping a life in the womb.
Nobody loves abortion--it is a sad and difficult thing for any woman to go through. I am a liberal who thinks it is a tragedy. But it is also legal.
But here is what makes me foam at the mouth and get nuts when the pro-life crew comes stomping around--in addition to wanting to ban abortion, they also want to ban birth control--the number one method of decreasing abortion. (Link at the end)
They pretend they are all about protecting life--bull crap and horse puckey. They are about controlling women.
If they TRULY wanted to end abortion, as I do, they'd support free birth control for all and stop trying to shut down Planned Parenthood, which does abortion only about 3% of the time.
So I'll tell you why liberals fear admitting they don't like abortion--because the damn pro-lifers would jump on that like fleas.
It's also nobody else's damn business what a woman and her doctor decide.
and the fact that people insist that the constitution cannot be amended while insisting an amendment is upheld (clearly these people don't understand the definition of an amendment).
Most of your anti-American talking-points are pretty cliché. But not this one. I've never heard anyone say Americans believe their Constitution cannot be amended.
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If you are not American how can you honestly comment on any of this. YOU KNOW NOTHING. I don't personally take kindly to you (whoever and wherever the *beep* you are) telling me, A NATURAL BORN AMERICAN what you think MY country is doing wrong. Go *beep* yourself. Period.
I also put up another reply and told her/him to come over and meet my GLOCK. Many of these people listen to THEIR media's spin on OUR media (which alone is like the telephone game--- if you know what I mean by that)....then on top of that...they have often not studied our history! But, it's usually the MOST ignorant who whine the loudest.
It's true I kinda see it on the politics board. There's people that aren't too keen on America. Sadly there's also Americans that aren't too keen on America either. But that's on the far left side of the spectrum.
I love it when some foreign idiot thinks Fox News is out there making shit up. It is a clear sign someone has been brainwashed by the BBC or their whatever country the live-in's liberal propaganda network. The first sign foreigners are brainwashed is that if you ask any what they think about Trump the start giving you a laundry list of liberal talking points but can't provide a single shred of evidence to back anything up with. Thank go these idiot stay in their home country and didn't immigrate to the US because the US already has enough liberal sheep, we don't need anymore.
Leftists hate Fox because Fox reports all the news, accurately, not just news leftists want reported in a way they agree with. Fox has a moderate-conservative point of view, and they don't deny it. Outlets like CNN, MSNBC, NPR, the New York Times, etc. have a strong leftist bias, but they deny it, claiming to be balanced. I'll watch the guys who don't start off with a lie. The more Fox pisses off leftists on any topic, the closer they are to the truth.