MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005) Discussion > This franchise died with Bloodline

This franchise died with Bloodline

Sorry, but once the sequels began to go direct to video, they became cheapjack trash merely designed to milk every last dollar from it. Pinhead is only in them for 5 minutes or less any more. I did rank this one SLIGHTLY higher (3) than the others, but only for Lance and the red-hot lead actress. That's it. Please-let it die. No more. Please. They slowly declined in quality the first four (all theatrical releases), but with 4, there was at least some sort of closure. They should have stopped, but -unfortunately-didn't.


i must agree with you this


inferno was a good movie, but wasnt really needed in the series, and 6-8 just sucked something awful i mean those movie sucked completely, and rick bota should go get a gun and shoot himself in the face for making crappy movies like that, i jus saw hellworld and the only thing that made me watch it was pinhead and lance, but the characters were stupid and needed to die, the story sucked, the dialogue was awful and the actors sucked as well, i mean the lead female character is hott and all but, face it she sucks at acting

bloodline would of been great if it was left in its original form, being the way the original director had it ive seen most of the other scenes and it would of explained the movie a whole lot better than it did

but as for 6-8, please people dont watch them unless you are a true fan such as myself and watch the parts with pinhead in them and the rest go and do something around the house while those parts are on

pinhead is the cenobite

CALL ME SNAKE-snake plissken


I agree totally and ive only seen inferno as the straight to vid ones and I can tell just by looking at that its not going to work.

Number 4 whilst not perfect (it could have been if the studio hadnt cut parts out im sure we wouldnt have all minded wiating ten more minutes or even 20 more for pinhead to make his entrance as hes worth the wait) But really the first 4 were by no means terrible, number 3 is always a bit of a off one in my opinion 4 actully was better. but as a whole a resonable second tier series b movies in their way but they worked and 4 was ment to be the end. I know all these films ie the straight to vid ones are ment to go in between the last segment of number 4 and pinheads death, why bother at all though? I mean these vids are almost impossible to find anyway so making them seems a utter waste of effort.


Personally I thought the series ended with the 2nd one. A couple of the sequels are somewhat entertaining but they could have stopped with 2 and been fine. Now I hear they're remaking the first one...ugh!

