MovieChat Forums > Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005) Discussion > Why I did and didn't like it...

Why I did and didn't like it...

I didn't like it because the mythology is totally changed. They made it to where the Cenobites were homocidal maniacs. Pinhead would never use surgical tools to decapitate someone. I'm talking about the hooks that come out of nowhere but in this one, they use tools that are just lying around making this movie fall into the other 1000+ direct to video movies. The gore was great but the way the gore was brought about was done all wrong. Also, after the 4th movie the whole series became confusing as hell with no explanation as to what is going on. It's like Inferno through Hellworld are complete dreams. Meaningless.

Another reason why I didn't like it was because instead of carrying on like it was a part of the Hellraiser series, it's these kids in real-life who are a fan of the Hellraiser movies. That to me is irritating. Only in movies can you use the computer to open the door to Hell.

The reason I liked it is because Pinhead had a lot more screen time. Not a lot more but more than the last 3 sequels. But his presentation was poor...again.

This film would work better as a ghost story instead of a Hellraiser movie. The story focused more on the death of that girl's boyfriend and the ending where you find out his ghost helped save her life. Good little melodrama.


The problem with your criticism is that it really isn't Pinhead and the Cenobites in the movie. It's a nightmare of hallucinations. So they don't have to act like they should.
Pinhead did get more screen time which is about bloody time. He's a great, great character that deserves way more time on screen then he is getting. But, at least it's way better than Inferno.
I thought the film worked and is a decent chapter in the Hellraiser series.





He still had very little screen time here. I still think this film did what Hellraiser III couldn't, and that's make the series more of a "teen horror" film, but actually make it halfway entertaining. (Because it's just not a traditional Hellraiser film.) This was like a Nightmare On Elm Street or Scream movie. But it managed to be watchable. It was filmed much better than the previous made for TV Hellraisers, and actually looked as though it could have been theatrical.

Halloween remake too violent for you? That's a shame. Go review the Bratz movie instead.



You think, for real? This one just had more theatre-like colors to me. Especially Inferno to me, really looked like a made for TV. But I definitely respect your opinion on all thinks Hellraiser, Cap'n.

Halloween remake too violent for you? That's a shame. Go review the Bratz movie instead.



This so far is the worst out of the Hellraiser series. Can totally tell it was just a lame story with Hellraiser bought into it.


Except it wasn't. The script was written from scratch as a Hellraiser film. There was a TREATMENT called Dark Can't Breathe which wasn't Hellraiser-based but if you know anything about film, treatments are very rough and are little more than a summary of a storyline.

- Scarecrow


I hated the ending, it was that stupid neo-horror crap about "oh the cutesy heroic nice characters must triumph and survive in the end." Give me good old dark, depressing, no one is safe horror.


We've come full circle.

Back in the '80s and '90s happy endings became cliche, so in the late '90s and 200's endings got darker and were not happy endings, particularly in asian horror: See Ring 0, A Tale of Two Sisters, The Dark, and many others...but now it's gotten cliche to have a dark unhappy ending, so now we have happy endings again which are actually a fairly uncliche ending again because they simply don't happen that often anymore.

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