Complete False Advertising on DVD back cover: The Twin Cenobites !!!
There is complete False Advertising on the back cover of this DVD release. Never mind the fact that this is the absolute worst Hellraiser movie and the fact that it's utter gibberish coated with sex scenes... for no reason... but this was a real cheap shot to market the movie.
On the back cover, it shows screenshots from various parts in the movie... but one of them is a scene from the fourth movie, Bloodline... which is a blatant attempt to squeeze in an awesome screen grab of the Twin cenobites... which served to be a million times better than this entire 8th installment. This depiction is a way to show some awesome attributions of prior movies and incorporate them into this pile of rubbish.
It really annoys me to see how lame and horrible they've sunk to throw in a screenshot from the 4th movie on the back cover of this already miserable excuse of a movie. I mean, seriously... every other Hellraiser movie was like a million times better than this one and that's an understatement... which says a lot about how the DVD mockup people are so wrong for putting this trash together and just labeling it for sale. I really like the Twin cenobites too... I wouldn't want them incorporated with this garbage.
To be honest, I was looking forward to seeing a good movie where the Twin cenobites returned just by staring at the back cover. I was surprised indeed. But not pleasantly surprised. I was surprised at my own foolishness to be easily deceived by a back cover of a movie that showcased something which wasn't even in the movie. I was surprised at how idiotic and stupid this movie turned out. The back cover still annoys me to this very moment because every time I look at it, I think of what might have been... versus what it really is... a lame attempt to sell a DVD with content that never was.