This film made a mockery out of the entire series *one spoiler*
Up until this one, I believe the Hellraiser series had avoided any type of misfortunate undertakings that befell upon the Nightmare on Elm Street Series. What is the possible reason for me saying this?
The reason is this ruins the entire series. It is just like the Elm Street movie where they are making a Freddy movie. It makes the audience feel jipped since Hellraiser is no longer Hellraiser, it is a movie series within the movie. Now how the hell does that correlate with the rest of the series? It doesn't? It WOULD have worked perfectly IF they wouldn't have had the dead kid's dad get owned in REAL LIFE by Pinhead. You see, the rest of the movie could have simply been part of their imagination, and they could have simply said this was not part of the series truly, but instead they made it part of it by having Pinhead be real. Now how does this make any sense with #4? All the others could have followed logically, but this was the black sheep in the series that has a huge contradiction intertwining with the rest of the series.
What a huge disappointment.