Turned it off

I decided to watch all the hellraiser films in order. I enjoyed the first 3 films and bloodline was ok, after that, they can hardly be classed as hellraiser films as the rules completely change.
They were all watchable untill Hellworld. It's just some teenage killer film. I noticed a post with someone saying only the ending was like a true hellraiser film, so what actually happened at the end?


*Spoiler alert*
Well,turns out the teenagers were druged early on their visit to the mansion and most of what was happening to them was just a bad trip,managed by the host. So when the drug wears off 2 surviving teens (3 others died of heart atack,bleeding herself to death and seizure) found themselves buried in coffins with pipes for breathing near the mansion.
Then the police saves them ,because Pinhead made a phone call,or something. And in the end the two survivors,who had no interest in each other fall in love (some kind of Stockholm syndrome variation,maybe) and drive towards the sunset to Miami. Oh,and the host accidentally summons Xenobytes and gets sliced with a huge axe (yes,no chains).
I believe it was already suggested,that you'll make most sense of the ending if you'll assume,that getting saved by the cops,the host's execution by Xenobytes e.t.c. was all just wishfull thinking (possibly induced by the host,as some kind of a sick joke) on the part of the "survivors",before they died of dehydration.

