Deader - Blockbuster Total Access free trial (DVD). Hellworld - Netflix free trial (streaming). Deader is overall more fun, but Hellworld has its moments because of Lance Henriksen (it's like watching Millennium and Aliens ;)). But they are both bad. But both the better of the direct-to-video.
Hellworld kind of rips off (copies) Kill Bill 2, but at least it's not as bad as Hellseeker, which tries to rip off Memento.
Anyway, I'll watch anything with the Hellraiser name on it. If I have to endure through it, I will. But I'd rather they just make them better (and more like the original) movies. They spend a certain amount of money on them. Why not?? Sure they're just securing rights (from what I heard), but it's a waste if they don't try to make it more entertaining.