MovieChat Forums > Mile High (2003) Discussion > Who Hated the Way it Ended?

Who Hated the Way it Ended?

I just watched the "last" episode and was SOOOO disappointed....all the episodes previous had so many interesting plot lines they always kept me hooked....But to end it in such a booooooring way....

I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen the last episode, but ugh.


I too hated the ending.. Lehann should have lived and got to have a future with Dan.


I just saw the ending this morning, I too hated that Lehann had to die. Also what became of the girl who was arrested in Dubai, is she serving jail time in the middle east, or did her parent get her out? they never gave the viewers a
conlcussion on that story line.

I will miss the series and the charicters and I hope they bring it back in the future with a new generation oc crews, or at least visit in on the old ones to see how life has treated them.


Was the finale on this past Sunday (Nov. 26) in the U.S. on BBC America? If it was I will be so mad...I went on vacation and my recorder filled up while I was gone (my fault, I know) and I didn't get Mile High. I have watched this whole series and if I now missed the finale I will be so mad with myself!!

