This film is almost pointless to watch...
...if you don’t have at least some background information, which luckily was provided by a poster here I can’t remember the name of. I watched it expecting a typical criminal drama/thriller and was left perplexed at the ending, not understanding what the hell it was meant to mean. My mistake was reading some post which compared it to se7en, which is probably one of the worst comparisons I’ve ever read. Not because it can’t be compared with se7en in rating, because it’s not even trying to be the same sort of film.
I’m not Korean myself so didn’t get any of the parallels with Korea in the 80’s. Not until coming back here reading some of the posts directly after because I wondered what I was missing.
As a foreigner it’s not you understand the movie better if you have some of the background story, you understand 80’s Korea better.