Rick James

I just saw the Hollywood stories episode with Charley Murphy (Eddie's brother) and Rick James. That was great stuff! Reminds me of the old school SCTV writing, just excellent!

Some of my favorite lines:

"What did the 5 fingers say to the face? *slap*"

"Why did you hit me?"
"You hit me!"
"That was weeks ago mother *beep*


I'm Rick James, bitch!!

Cocaine's a helluva drug.


Cocaine's a helluva drug

Best line ever! 


Definitely the high point, real high.

..or maybe not lol http://www.SunbeltRyders.com


"♪ Cold Blooded ♪-- Bang, BANG! I'm Rick James, bitch. Hey, everybody. King Kong ain't got SH!T ON ME!"


wow can't believe that was 10 years ago. I remember that was such a huge sketch at the time and really a defining moment in pop culture in 2004.


The "Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Story of Rick James" episode never gets old. It's one of the rare TV episodes I can watch over and over again.


"it's a celebration, b*tches!"
