Do you agree with the critic Paul M that Friends is Racist?
I'm watching it now. I saw them trying to get a bridal dress in Brooklyn. It was like season seven. About twenty percent of the supporting cast was black and one of the main cast said this is the first time she's been in Brooklyn (presumably in a while).
And then the soap episode. I thought it was different but about twenty percent.
New York is culturally diverse and maybe whites are over represented but only slightly so. Maybe to even the scale or maybe simply because the main cast of friends is really four relatives who happen to be the same race but it's a more common occurrence among relatives, more likely to happen but not always, and then there are only two actual friends, a guy friend Joey and a girl friend Phoebe, who are also white and the four relatives share these two friends because it is so hard to make friends... but these stats in NYC are believable. And then twenty percent black is believable but slightly low.
But then in Central Perk you can cut it down to half. Now why is it the whitest coffee shop in Central Park area? That is kind of bizarre. So if Friends is racist, let's say it starts here. So what is going on?
Personally what I think it is, is that Gunther is not racist but the way the owner looks raises question, and there are so many coffee shops that his appearance hurts his business and other than that it would be a little more over white because the main characters are all Caucasian but it's a believable situation especially since there four relatives and only two actual friends, but friends are really hard to come by....
So I don't know... but if racism is on Friends it starts or is most pronounced at Central Perk and then its' coming from all angles, too.. Like a racism vortex in multiple dimension... not that much but lots of ways to look at it and it's a little weird, but that's my theory.