Clive Owen comparison

CNN's review said "Lior Ashkenazi, who stars in it as an emotionally buttoned-down Mossad agent, has the debonair subtlety and charisma of an Israeli Clive Owen."

I've not seen this movie and wondered if this was accurate as I'm a Clive Owen fan and love his style of acting. If Lior is similar (and the fact that this plot looks intriguing) then I think I'd like this movie



I have only seen one Clive Owen film and one Lior Ashkenazi film (walk on water), so as to their acting styles, I cannot answer, however they do look fairly similar. Just look at the picture from Walk on Water on this website...the male face is that of Lior Ashkenazi...then look at Clive Owen pictures and you should see a resemblance. This is an excellent film anyway, and I suggest you see it not because of the Clive Owen resemblence, but because it is a wonderful film.


Hi MissDiane...

Clive Owen is a much more accomplished actor than Lior and has been in quite a number of movies as well as many stage productions as well...
I think CNN's review comparing the 2 actors perhaps made Lior more palatable to audiences that are not familiar with him by comparing him to the much more well-known Owen...although their looks are similar and perhaps some charismatic qualities, their differences are much more noticable, if you put them side-by-side.
With that said, I would still recommend the film as it's a pretty interesting story and poses some very unique questions about issues that are not always pretty when examined in the light...
Oh yes, and Lior is QUITE yummy to look at as well, though I still think Clive Owen wins the Yummy Contest...


To say that Clive Owen is "much more accomplished" than Lior Ashkenazi seems a bit off the mark. Have you bothered to look at Ashkenazi's filmography/biography?

Lior Ashkenazi is arguably Israel's leading man. I doubt that Clive Owen would make it to Britain's first tier. He's simply better known in the US & Canada.


Lior is known as one of the best actors who has ever come out of Israel. he has been in numerous israeli movies and tv shows and has been very good in all of them.
Israel may be a small country- but it makes briliant actors and briliant movies aswell.


As a huge Clive Owen fan and having just seen Walk on Water, I would say the comparison is very accurate. If you like Clive Owen I think you will really enjoy Lior Ashkenazi's performance and presence in this film.



He starts off looking like Clive Owen, but as the movie goes on, you notice that he looks MUCH more like Steve Carell from The Daily Show and The Office.



I like Clive Owen, too, but I don't see much resemblance physically, except for both being dark rather than fair. They're both very handsome men (Ashkenazi even more so than Owen, but that's just my taste), but the similarity is more in style. They both have a tremendous masculine presence on screen and both come across as intelligent, cynical, and tough, but with a core of well-concealed but powerful emotions.

Having said that, I'll add that in "Late Marriage," the other Ashkenazi movie I've seen, he is less of a tough guy, less of a flawed-hero type than he is in "Walk on Water," so that may be just a persona he adopted for the latter.

