Water Vs. Yossi and Jagger
Hey everyone. I just saw this movie a few weeks ago and fell in love with it. It's so sweet and overall amazing. I just ordered it on Amazon a few minutes ago, and I was hoping I could get some opinions from you guys. I haven't seen Yossi and Jagger yet, and I'm a little bit cheap, so I don't usually buy movies without having seen them first. However, it was only by chance that I saw Walk on Water on Starz when I did, and I've never seen Yossi and Jagger on any of the movie channels, so I doubt I'll get to see it unless I buy it.
So what I'm wondering is: SHOULD I buy it? I'm a (mostly) straight girl with a bit of a weakness for gay love stories, and adore Walk on Water, Brokeback, and a bunch of other movies like them. So, is Yossi and Jagger even HALF as good as Walk on Water? Is it better? Any info would be really helpful. The plot sounds touching, but I'd like to hear your opinions before I do anything.
"Also, I can kill you with my brain."