one of the gay elements

When Eyal and Axel were in a gay bar while Eyal was visiting him, all those questions about Axel's sexuality indicate that Eyal was a bit into the "thing".

As a gay guy myself, I think, if you are straight, why do you have to be shy to ask those questions? You can see the facial expression of Eyal that shows his embrassment. Will you be embrassed like that if you are straight?

Quite a few straight guys joked about me being gay (but they don't know that I am, lol), they don't have any embrassment at all. I mean, you are either too embrassed to ask those questions or you are comfortable of being straight and will not be embrassed by simply asking.

Eye contact from one to another can express things though he/she does not admit them orally. When I was sitting in a lecture room with more than 60 students, one guy kept looking at me every now and then, and in every single lecture he did it. When I came out to him and ask if he was gay, he told me that he had a gf and when I asked why he looked at me like that, he said that it was just because he knew me. LOL after I asked about that he still did the same thing to me.

One guy when I came out to him, he was so interested that he asked me a lot of those questions, VERY MUCH like the questions Eyal asked Axel, but the difference was, my friend who asked me was comfortable of his sexuality that he did not have any embrassment, at least not shown on his face.

A question to you straight guys: will you be embrassed when you ask those questions to a guy whom you know that he is gay?

Answers don't matter, what matters is what you are.






Thank you Yakyak.

To me, having watched the movie twice, I think that Axel is much less into Eyal than Eyal is into Axel.

First of all, I think in the gay bar in Israel when Axel met the Egyptian (?) gay guy, he just went on, without thinking about Eyal's feeling. He might be talking to the Egyptian guy about how cute Eyal is, but anyway, he didn't seem too much interested at that time. And what is more, he slept with the guy without wondering how Eyal's feeling would be at all. Similar situation on the second day when they are going out shopping. However, Eyal showed a bit of his jealousy.

During the "walk on water" scene, Axel explains the meaning of it, without showing much "love" inside, probably that is also an early stage though. However, Eyal's facial expression, omg, when you look at it, it is so cute, and it shows that something has just developed inside him.

During the visit of Germany, I think that Axel likes Eyal a little bit, but he still thinks that Eyal is straight, which is why Axel has not developed too much interest on him. (PS: to straight guys out there, please don't think that every gay guy will want to sleep with you) I think the most likely reason of why Axel treats Eyal like that is because he is polite. He takes Eyal as a guest but not his male partner as far as I can see.

All those conversations in Germany during outside eating food, in the gay bar, again showed that Eyal is into Axel more than the other way around. Eyal is the person that is active to ask all those questions, and in one point, Axel mentions "you straight boys (?)" which again shows that he has somehow drew a line and does not expect to cross it. And it was Axel to terminate the conversation. As far as my concern, if I like a guy (straight or bi or gay), I will be very unlikely to be the person to terminate those kind of "talks". hehe...

The visit to Germany itself is a proof, too.

And the final scene, Eyal mentioned his dream, and writing a email to Axel, again support my theory.



Thank you Yakyak for your complement.

Mmm... ya you got me thinking about the movie title as well. During the "walk on water" scene, as you mentioned "Axel spoke about getting rid of fears and hence being able to do anything one wishes for". The only way I saw was just about the history between Germany and the Jewish people. Thank you very much that now I understand one more point that is underneath the speech. Now I think, if Axel did sense Eyal's "gayness", then the "walk on water" speech was not really to tease him, but to help Eyal to let go of the fear inside his mind, the fear of coming out. I am still not sure if Axel has sensed Eyal's real sexuality before that point, and for sure I will watch the brilliant film once more soon. :-)

Yep I think the weird smile on Eyal's face towards the end of "walk on water" scene shows that he doubted if what Axel said was right. And as the movie goes on, Eyal did cross the line where the old relationship lies because of Hitler. Should every jewish people cross that line? I don't know, and as a Chinese myself, I still can't put away the history of Japanese invader in WW2. Maybe love stories like Romeo and Juliet will happen often, just like the movie.

Through out the whole film, I haven't seen of Axel's interest of be in a relationship with Eyal. As a gay guy myself, I think I know what it is like to desire another guy or fall for him.

Hehe, as I am gay, I will try to watch every important move of the guy I like to try to find out if he is gay or not. As I am not out to most of my friends and they wouldn't guess that I am cz I am not girly. Anyway, for my situation is, because I am gay, I will be very unlikely to specifically put the gay or straight issue on the table when talking to a straight guy, just like saying "you straight guys" or making jokes/comment about me or somebody being straight, etc.

So what Axel mentioned about "you straight boys" may have two reasons: 1. he wanted to tease Eyal for not coming out. 2. He is still not into Eyal. Because as you may have noticed, for the gay world, if both people are into each other, things can happen pretty fast (maybe in a blink then they will be in bed? lol). And since the movie did not show that they have had an affair afterward, I assume they have not, which means Axel was still not into Eyal. If I were Axel and I am into Eyal, instead of terminating the conversation like that, I will probably say to him: "why don't you try it out, come", and what will happen next? XXX rate movie, hehe.

By the way, after Eyal cried in Axel's arms, I don't assume that they have had an affair. Even if there was supposed to be, it does not seem to be a "love" affair to me.

I am glad that somehow what gay guys think is different to what straight guys think. I guess that is why god (I don't believe in god, by the way) makes the things beautiful and sad. Becautiful because we (gay guys) get to see what strictly straight guys can't see, and vice versa.



I found your post very interesting, but I don't agree with your analysis of why Eyal couldn't translate the last few lines of the song. Personally, I feel he probably couldn't have translated the song for a woman. We are told that he grew up in a home with parents who were Holocaust survivors, and he lacked the ability to be emotional. In addition, he's trained to kill, which would disregard feelings. Therefore, I believe he couldn't translate the song because he couldn't deal with the emotions the song is relaying.

Also, I don't believe they had sex in the Judean desert. Maybe they cuddled, but not for sexual reasons. You don't have to be to be an Israeli soldier to know that cuddling on a cold night is helpful to keeping warm. What does it matter whether you think it was really cold. A person can get sunburned during the winter, so the only thing that matters is the director wanted us to believe it was cold.

I'm not discounting the gay element, but I do believe you're reading too much of it into the beginning and middle of the movie. I'll give you the end, though, where I believe a relationship could have started, but I really see this movie as one man's battle with his own nature, and his eventual acceptance of other lifestyles.

I loved it. My friend loved it. And frankly, we loved Lior Askenazi and find him very attractive and an amazing actor. We're straight women. But I've watched this movie 3 times now, and really see this as one man's journey of self-discovery. Read that as sexual if you like, but I think he overcame his upbringing. I am married to a man who parents are Holocaust survivors (I'm second generation American, my grandparents having come to the US in the early 1900s) and these children are different. Because their parents were affected by what happened to them in Europe. I found Eyal very believable.




I just finished watching the film, and NRS said exactly what was on my mind. This movie is a one man's battle with his own nature.
Back to the original post - the question was why did Eyal have difficulty asking Axel questions about homosexuality. Somebody else answered that already. It's simply because of his character. He lacks emotions because of his childhood and his profession and he is just always stuck up. So when it comes to a delicate issue like this he couldn't act normal. Dealing with such topics is not in his experiences.
All I wanted to say is that you can't generalize how a straight man would have been asking questions in that situation and it will differ for every person depending on character.



"One of my friends says that that was probably the night when they had sex for the first time."

Hi yak

I dont think that makes sense given how many questions Eyad has later about gay sex. If he had already had sex, these discussions would have been had weeks ago....

I do agree though that he wanted to get intimate with Axel. The fact he obviously was unaware that Axel was out loud & proud hilarious.

The trip back in the car was also a very intimate time. Thanks for the heads up on the song. Even without knowing you could tell that Eyad was embarrassed to keep translating "It just goes on like that" he says.

On the subject of language... there were so many clever little language twists in this film. My favourite was Axel the German speaker using the word schnooki-schnooki (?yiddish) to describe sex to Eyad the Hebrew speaker while BOTH of them are speaking a 2nd language (English).



"One of my friends says that that was probably the night when they had sex for the first time."

Hi yak

I dont think that makes sense given how many questions Eyad has later about gay sex. If he had already had sex, these discussions would have been had weeks ago....

I do agree though that he wanted to get intimate with Axel. The fact he obviously was unaware that Axel was out loud & proud was just hilarious.

The trip back in the car was also a very intimate time. Thanks for the heads up on the song. Even without knowing you could tell that Eyad was embarrassed to keep translating "It just goes on like that" he says.

On the subject of language... there were so many clever little language twists in this film. My favourite was Axel the German speaker using the word schnooki-schnooki (?yiddish) to describe sex to Eyad the Hebrew speaker while BOTH of them are speaking a 2nd language (English).



I think the anwser to djoversea's question is cultural. Homosexuality in general, and buggery in particular, is very taboo in Israel.

I come from a country with a similar (though not so extreme) macho ethos. If a typical straight Israeli is is asking tose questions his manner is likely to be mocking/offensive or very uncomfortable.

I'm intrigued that so many people are seeing this as a "gay movie". I (straight) thought that the sexual themes surrounding Eyal and Axel's relationship were quite subtle, and certainly not the main theme of the movie. (One of these "multi-layered" things.)

I think that Eyal certainly had a sexual interest in Axel by the time he made the remarks in the disco scene. It started with the naked bathing in the Dead Sea and warmed up with the campfire incident.

However, I firmly DON'T believe that they ever had sex. First, I've known a few Israelis surprisingly similar to Eyal, and these guys are way too uptight to get into ANYTHING that quickly. ("In the Army," of course, it's different ...) Second, Eyal gets hitched to Pia and they have kids - NOT what one would expect if he's on with Axel. Third, the film communicates a poignant sense of unfulfilment in their relationship. (Eyal renounces violence and finds redemption, while Alex's pacifist idealism is corrupted, and he turns to evil.) The view that their relationship was unconsumated makes that unfulfilment more palpable.

Another interesting relationship in this film was that between Eyal and Menachem, which doesn't seem to have been discussed much.



I was trying to assist djoversea by providing my answer to his original question (which nobody had actually answered).
Your user profile indicates that you trawl the boards to advocate for "gay issues" and that you disparage other users freely ("What a stupid review", etc.).
I came to this board to talk about movies. I do not want to be drawn into your agenda.



The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.



Hey guys, I haven't been on this board for a relatively long time. Don't know there was a quarrel here?

As a gay guy myself, I have been peaceful 99% of my time, probably because I managed to turn those anger into loving the person (not talking about sex, yo)that I was angry with. Although I am only 23 (just had a birthday a couple of weeks ago, hoho), I have been through a lot of situations which depressed me a lot (mostly gay related). I truely wish relationships between people become much better than the reality.

The worst stab wound is the one to the heart.
- Ausustus Hill



Just a simple point: Eyal was 'on the job' when he was talking to Axel. It was his mission to ingratiate himself to Axel so as to get closer to the family and what better way than to address a topic close to Alex's heart: his sexuality. It's his job to get close to his targets.

Having said that about the movie, I'm gay and I've had lots of 'those 'conversations too. Part of the richness of being gay.


Is that really just for the job? If you do a job without being emotional, will you be embrassed of talking about something? I don't see why he should be "embrassed" about asking those questions.

NOTE: my point was the EMBRASSMENT, not why he asked the questions.

The worst stab wound is the one to the heart.
- Augustus Hill


Hey there!!

For me Eyal was embarrased because it shows he is a very shy man!!! You know though he shows a tough, hard, viril man inside he is shy and human and at the end I thought he was gonna end up with Alex and not with Pia....The bar scene made me think they could end up together, and for me it wasn´t embarrasment, Eyal, in that scene showed a very sweet and shy side of his personality.....

If I have to ask a guy about it....well...I wouldn´t be embarrased, got a gay friend and he told me about his adventures and I am straight and I respect him as my friend and do not mind asking him questions or letting him ask some questions too about myself.

