Did Michael lie about Blanket's mother?

Someone straighten me out but didn't MJJ tell two different stories about his knowledge of his kid's mom? Check it out, at first in the Las Vegas hotel MJJ says:

"We have an agreement that we can't talk about, we have a contractual agreement, who she is and everything, that's how we worked that out," he said.
Bashir asked if it was someone Jackson had had a relationship with, the singer replied, "Yes."

But later at the end when his hair is shorter MJJ says:
"I used a surrogate mom, my own sperm cells. She doesn't know me, I don't know her," he said.

Am I lost or did anyone else pick up on this? Clue me in please lol!



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He didn't lie. A contractual agreement IS a relationship.


blankly wrote: "He didn't lie. A contractual agreement IS a relationship."

Puhleezzzzz ... contractual agreement = relationship? That's stretching things a bit too far.

Jackson knew what Bashir meant when he was asked if he had a "relationship" with Blanket's mother.

Jackson said he had a relationship and knew the mother when first asked, the next time he indicated the mother was a surrogate and he didn't know her at all.

While I don't feel he had to answer the question as this is all his business, if he was compelled to respond he certainly should have decided upon a specific story and stuck to it.

Looks so much worse when the story changes ... mostly because it makes you wonder what else he's said that isn't the truth.


The more logical scenario is that he slipped up the 1st time & when he realized it, lied the 2nd.

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Yeah, I remember catching that little contradiction when watching it the first time.
I'm kinda surprised Bishir didn't follow-up on that, since it was pretty glaring.
