MovieChat Forums > Madagascar (2005) Discussion > My kid loves this movie...

My kid loves this movie...

He's 3 and he could watch it non stop all day long if I would let him. We watch it everyday. Anyone else...




My daughter is 20 months and screams "Movie! Movie!" and I put it on for her. She loves it. She sits and laughs at it whenever it's on. :)


I love this movie I haven't watched it for a while but I may watch it later on today. I hope Madagascar 2 is good.


My nephew does that too. Watch it none stop, plus Shark Tale as well. Loves big animals like sharks, lions and Dinosaurs.


i smoke a joint a watch it eveyday!!!!!


Expect brain damage....




We showed this movie to my grandpa, and he fell in love with it.
He watched it four times over the weekend, and everytime we went up to his house we would watch it. We finally bought it for him for his birthday. I think this is a great movie, especially the lemurs. Love them.


Makes me glad I'm not a parent. Hopefully if I have kids we can just read a book or watch something better.


That doesn't make any sense... There's far more significant reasons to be glad not to be a parent, and who knows, your kid might enjoy Madagascar. :)

And by something "better," do you mean the Disney channel? o_o Little children can't understand Nova yet..


If you're ever allowed into the gene pool, even at the shallow end, you'll find out that you can't make children sit and read books 12 hours a day.
Sometimes you need to dump the kids in front of the TV so you can do stuff, y'know, like cook food for them or tidy the house so you don't end up living in a *beep* tip, etc.
And yeah, my kids love Madagascar.


Yeah, I realise that. However, there are definitely better movies to choose from than this one. By the way, yes, you can leave a child alone with a book as well, instead of the dreaded box all day long. It's certainly what myself and many friends were hooked on from the age of about four. Of course, that means you actually need t sit there and teach them how to do so. Or, you know, give them a toy or something, you can't expect television to raise your kids forever.

What does it mean...when she smiles?


