I mean my god, i sat through the Whole thing, waiting for a climax or some kind of excitement then the credits rolled. That and the humor seemed to consist of nothing but pop culture references.
I just want some who liked this film to explain to me what they saw in it...
I like it, personally; it's a movie I can watch over and over.
The reason? Well, dialogue, I think.
The way things are done.
An excellent example of what I like is the part where Alex, the lion, starts frantically talking on the phone, much to the shock of his cohorts. Then, he pauses and steps away, gives a priceless look, then rips the phone from the ground and throws it.
It's in one way random, and in another hilarious. I'd say that Alex is the main thing I like about it.
Take, for instance, the part where he's chasing Marty, and he's yelling at him the whole time. Just listen to what he says:
"I'm gonna kill you, Marty! I'm gonna strangle you! And then I'm gonna bury you, then I'm gonna dig you up and clone you! Then I'm gonna kill all of your clones! And then! .. . I'm never speaking to you again!"
And before that he says, "Quit running, Marty! It's just gonna make me-" he proceeds to leap into the air and point twice, "kill you MORE!"
I'm not interested in the plot so much as the things that are said, how they are said, and the expressions on their faces.
Like when everyone is getting their types of food, that is, grass for the zebra and Alex gets steak, we see the giraffe getting TONS of medications. The way he leans in and says, "Oh! I'm in heaven!" Just great! Or when the giraffe clicks his hoof on a rock and then looks way close at the camera, saying in a goofy voice, "THAT looks real!"
It's all the moments built up that make me like it.
When Alex looks over at a coconut he had shaped a face on and exclaims, "Shut up, Spalding!" Not only the reference, but the manner in which he says it is just funny!
Nothing, to me, and I mean NOTHING, beats good dialogue and a good delivery, and I think there was a lot of it in this movie.
Guys,all of you just put me into a delima as this first Madagascar will be on Pearl tonight while I'm not used to getting back home on Every Sunday since I just fear nearly one and half an hour single bus ride and getting early the next morning.But from your recommendations or positive comments or favourable opinions for this film,I'm shaking my mind. Should I go home tonight at the cost or sacrifice of a sound sleep and the next morning's easier intenstine movement or should I just go and watch this wonderful film?//?Too bad,today isn't Monday as our rest day is always Tuesday.I'm still not making up my mind at this moment.Maybe I'll just let it go and see it otherwise.
I have to agree with you. NOTHING about this movie was funny or even entertaining. King Julien was annoying as hell and I can't believe that some people actually liked it. THE worst animated film I have ever seen.
I completely agree with the OP. I kept sitting there waiting for some kind of climax, or storyline with a bit of substance to it, and before I knew it, the credits were rolling. Unbelievably awful script.
No way! I adored this movie. The plot is simple, true: Four animals accidently escape their zoo, are transferred, but wind up on a beach in Madagascar and have to survive. But seriously, how many plots are there in movies? Most of the time its boy meets girl, boy and girl overcome difficulties, boy generally gets girl. You have to remember this is a kids movie, and they can't make it too complex.
Please, kids just need brigth colours and funny voices and they're well on their way to a 10 out of 10.
I mean, you think all those pop culture references are aimed at the children? no they're for the parents. What the creators don't seem to realise is that adults can also enjoy a well made childrens film almost as much as the children. You DO NOT need to de-complicate a film simply because it's aimed at children, however this film did. Which to me was lazy..
is it just me or... is it a kid's film? it doesn't have to go anywhere, it is there purely to entertain (something it does splendidly) and it doesn't have to go anywhere when it has the BRILLIANT king julien to steal the show :)