MovieChat Forums > Madagascar (2005) Discussion > What kind of animal is 'Mort?'

What kind of animal is 'Mort?'

Forgive me if this question has been asked previously, but my six year old and I have watched both "Madagascar" flicks numerous times and have had an ongoing discussion about Mort's exact animal species. I thought at first that he (and Maurice, whom he resembles) were lemurs like King Julian (I know they don't exactly look like K.J., I assumed that they were simply a different breed of lemur) but my son insists that Mort is not a lemur. I ask him how he knows this and he simply says "I just KNOW." So does anyone know for sure, what kind of animal is Mort?

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


Mort is a mouse lemur

King Julian is a ring-tailed lemur

and Maurice is an Aye aye lemur


Thanx very much for the response (and the illustrations)!

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


Wow, that explains it all!
