MovieChat Forums > Miracle (2004) Discussion > Kurt Russell DESERVED an Oscar Nominatio...

Kurt Russell DESERVED an Oscar Nomination

anyone else think he deserved to be nominated for best actor at the Oscars or Golden Globes?



Absolutely. I think "sports" movies get a cold shoulder from the Academy. I think Kurt Russell is way underrated and looked over because of his child actor/Disney days, and his non-dramatic roles. I think there was a lot of prejudice that went into overlooking him for an Oscar nomination. It was a career-defining performance from him. Relatively late in his career. I hope he makes enough money to last the rest of his life off it, and give the finger to the Academy.

The Academy never has been an accurate barometer of the best acting performances. That's why Paul Newman in "The Verdict" lost to Ben Kingsley and his lame portrayal -- but poignant story and cinematography -- in "Ghandi." Kingsley lost a bunch of weight and walked around in a white loin cloth. preaching pacifism. "Wooo!"

They gave Newman a "concilliatory" Oscar for "The Color of Money," which was good, but not worthy of an Academy award. And I think Newman probably also should have earned the Best Actor Oscar for his early performance as the antagonist son in HUD.

Too much politics involved with the Academy Awards...

And too much credibility given to them.

You appoint a bunch of spoiled, elite, political, snotty-nosed egotists to determine who gave the best acting performance of the year? You kidding me? Would any scientist approve that "test group"?

Not receiving an Oscar award or nomination has little bearing on acting ability or performance.



Absolutely! I'm shocked he was not dare they not nominate him





Well maybe expect for the fact that this is a family movie, an actors or actresses very rarely get nominated or win best actor for a family film. One of the few people that have done so is Julie Andrews for Mary Poppins.
