The War Cry

As the knights are leaving Bohrs yells up to Arthur, calls out his formal name (Artorius) with something else and Arthur responds. What exactly are they yelling? To me it sounds: Rules!


The subtitles say "Rus," whatever that means.


Thanx. I've never seen it subtitled and never even thought to do that.


The Rus were the people of the Eurasian plains, the Sarmatian cavalry draftees Arthur commanded. Think modern day Bela-rus, or Rus-sia. But they were descended from Scandinavians who had migrated to the Russian steppes, and mastered mounted combat. Arthur's band of draftees were looking forward to the end of their 15-year draft tour of duty, and going home to their families.

Either that or it's what Jeff Lyne is singing in "Don't Bring Me Down" -- Rus! Don't bring me down.


Interesting premise.
