Charlie and the City Kids

I notice that Charlie's conflict with the city kids in Evanston was never really resolved. It looks like they're going somewhere with it, but they drop the storyline halfway through. Why is that? Was it intentionally left unresolved to prove a point or was it just overlooked on the filmakers' part?


I was personally hoping C B would have flattened Luke the Bully (Dir comm ch 17 1:46 min mark).

OT: the audio comm by the baker kids was one of the best ever! Those children are so well-spoken!

And I thought it would have been hoot for Beans to start croaking again towards the end.


I thought Levy's lines about "Model High" were so funny, lol.

I also thought it was funny that the kids thought Charlie intentionally kicked the car... why in the heck he would have done that, I don't know.





And, an unrelated question to ask... what did that coach mean when he told him that their team was "4A"...? What puts certain high school football teams above others like that?


size of school and where they are located to receive funding.


4A-Class ranking for sports teams in highschool based on the total population of the school.

A 4A school will have a smaller enrollment than whatever school he was going to(I'd assume it is in 7A or 8A which could mean double the enrollment)

The thinking the football coach was going with is a 4A schools have smaller enrollment, which means less people to play football, which means the talent level is less. So what he was saying is "you may have been good in 4A but I bet you don't have the talent to play with the "big boys". Which is a load of crap.


I don't think it was so much looks that made it odd. I mean, a good-looking guy can be a misfit and deemed "uncool." What I thought made it odd was that his father was a major college football coach. You would have thought they would warm up to him and, frankly, use him to get ahead in their athletic pursuits. Then, I guess they don't call them dumb jocks for nothing.

I would have loved to see Paladecki (Luke) ending up moving to Midland and getting put through the same sort of crap, Charlie had to go through, lol.


so disgusting but true





Maybe it was originally resolved in the script?

Anyways, I hated the character, I know I'm supposed to feel sorry for him but I just thought it was terrible casting. I mean, Tom Welling as a bullied victim?
