Dillihunt was a little-known, but excellent character actor with the diversity to bolster any one of the uncast roles. His take on the sleazy Jack McCall was so impressive that Milch (who knows talent) decided - rightfully so - that he would be perfect for the hard-to-cast, complex and enigmatic role of Woolcott.
Or... the way things came out in the wash:
Maybe it was simply a concession by Milch to those cheap bastards in charge at HBO towards the balancing of the books and hounding him to continue working with a reduced budget (which, it turns out, was the deciding factor in the cancellation).
It could also be why one of the most interesting, admired characters and the only (somewhat) "name" actor (Keith Carradine) was killed off 4 episodes into the Series.
I mean, I know the history but really?!? Even Game Of Thrones isn't that quick on the draw - see what I did there? 😀
"I dont think you fully understand, Bigelow.. You've been murdered."