MovieChat Forums > Gothika (2003) Discussion > 'Chloe is embellishing her rape story ag...

'Chloe is embellishing her rape story again'

Does that mean they think she's making up the rape altogether, or that she's overdramatizing it? Because she doesn't say anything about it before that he *beep* her. And why would she lie about being raped?
So what does it mean?

If I ever start referring to these as the best days of my life, remind me to kill myself.


I didn't see that part of the movie, but I'm almost positive it just means she's overexagerating and making it a bigger deal, maybe even adding details that didn't happen.


"You're him, aren't you? You're the Goblin King!"


No offense but I need someone who's seen it so they know what I'm talking about.

If I ever start referring to these as the best days of my life, remind me to kill myself.


Chloe was being raped...I think she was raped in the past by her stepfather.and you find out later on that she was being raped whille in her cell.

When it is said she is "embellishing" her story, it means she is adding to it. Like when, she says the devil raped her.

Miranda doesn't belive she is doing it on purpose though...she thinks its the medication that is mixing up her thoughts and making her belive more happened when she was being raped.

...hope that helps!

I see dead people


I think that they view this as a post-traumatic thing resulting from her earlier abuse. She said the devil was visiting her currently, and it keeps getting worse every often. Of course, they don't think she is being raped while she is in her cell.


you don't have to have seen the film to know that embellishing means exaggerating, overdramatizing, or making a story more "colorful". (although i have seen the movie) the rape is real, but the details are overblown.

Main Entry:
transitive verb
Middle English, from Anglo-French embeliss-, stem of embelir, from en- + bel beautiful — more at beauty
14th century
1 : to make beautiful with ornamentation : decorate <a book embellished with illustrations>
2 : to heighten the attractiveness of by adding decorative or fanciful details : enhance <embellished our account of the trip>

friends don't let friends shiv!


i think it means they don't believe chloe got raped at all. chloe got abused by her step-father in the past, so the doctors think she is reliving past memories.

doug says that is how we deal with bad memories. so maybe chloe can't deal with being raped by a cop who is supposed to be a figure of protection, just like her step-father was supposed to protect her. so she invents that the devil is doing it to her. that helps her deal with what is happening to her.

my question is-- why is chloe in the mental institution at all? you see her free at the end, so does that mean she isn't crazy?



No. Really watch this film and pay attention to detail.

The opening of the film introduces us to Chloe who killed her step father for repeatedly raping her. Dr. Grey has obviously been treating her for awhile and is exasperated that Chloe has not made progress. Yeah, there's a reason WHY. Because the sheriff is symbolically taking on the same role and abusing his position of authority over her by sneaking into solitary and raping her. No one will believe Chloe if she claims this because she is a patient. She is not embellishing her rape story (there is a new detail because a new person-the sheriff) is assaulting her in solitary. Now with all this being said, how can someone find peace within and make progress in therapy if the same scenario (being raped) is occuring in the place that is suppose to be helping you?

Chloe feels remorse that her own stepfather put her in such a distressed and violent psychotic state that she believed her only way out and for the rapes to stop was to kill him. She is frustrated with Dr. Grey (which is evidenced by her skeptical and sarcastic attitude of Dr. Grey's ignorance).
