Lamest catchphrase. Ever.
"Logic is overrated"? Come on.
(P.S. I enjoyed the movie.)
I can think of a few worse
U can do it
How U doin'?
It's clobberin' time
by the bye
Who was it who said
Logic & Reason R best partaken like firewater ... in moderation
I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey. --Texas Ranger
Going along with what someone else mentioned ("It's clobberin' time"), how about every single line in the Fantastic 4 movies?
share"Kid movies" should have the corner on this market
U gotta wonder what these holly-wood show-folk rilly think when they R sitting around trying 2 come up with this stuff ...
Ever go 2 "miserychildren" dot com?
Bidadoo Twelfths Billabong Mooch
How about
"Go Go Go"
"Move Move Move"
"What's up?"
"How you doing?"