Is it real or fake?

Are there seriously these kinds of medicine that make you see things that are not real at all?


Yeh they're called hallucinogenics, lots of different drugs can do this to you.


After my cancer surgery I was delirious for over a week. And that was unintentional.


Uhm go do some research on LSD during the Vietnam War and come back to me with such a ridiculous question.


It's not so ridiculous when you consider that some posters believe that the entire supernatural part was supposed to be Halle's insanity or hallucinations brought about by psychotropic drugs. Hallucinogenic drugs can cause hallucinations, but hallucinations do not remain consistent over time or have consistent meaning in their appearances. Delusions might cause that, but delusions usually are random and meaningless to anyone outside of the mind of the insane person...whereas, Halle's character adopts delusions that are helpful to police and lead to direct answers dealing with murder investigations? Wow, how convenient. Please. That would be at least as hard to swallow as a plot line, as the paranormal aspect.


You are married to a serial killer. You become aware of that fact very gradually, over the course of years. It is tiny things, really, a whiff of perfume, a scuff on his shoes, a random news report. As the reality of the situation becomes aparent, you question your sanity. You wonder what could be wrong with yourself that you end up in such a horrible situation. You are in such fear that to live, you have to repress it. Over the years of repressed fear, living with someone who does unspeakable things, you go insane. When you realize that you have the opportunity to save a victim, you take action, the action that your abused mind knows is probably the right one, and the one that you really want to take anyway, to punish the monster for putting you through such unspeakable mental abuse.

That's hard to swallow? Given the premise of the film, it sounds like pure common sense to me.
