MovieChat Forums > Gothika (2003) Discussion > Robert Downey Jr. broke Halle Berry's Ar...

Robert Downey Jr. broke Halle Berry's Arm?!

Either he's really really strong or she has very fragile bones. How else can a person just break someone else's arm by twisting it a little too hard? Is that possible? I assume it happened when he tells her that she killed her husband and she gets so upset that he has to wrestle her down. But it sure didn't look brutal or anything.


Straight from the horse's mouth:

Halle Berry broke her arm while filming a fight scene, a mishap for which Downey takes full responsibility. ''Look, it was an accident,'' he says. ''If you're the person pushing the other person's arm back onto a cot, and you feel her ulna snap in your hand, and you've been pumping iron for six weeks because you're not in every scene... It was an accident, and I was at fault, yes.''

I wonder if what ended up in the final cut is that very scene. I would expect Berry to scream a lot more though, I mean, it's not like having your arm broken is no biggie. Then again, I never broke mine, so may not be as bad.


I recall reading this too. It's sorta creepy watching the scenes with the cast on her arm without thinking about that!



Omg, Is this really true? Poor Halle Berry. I thought it was just fake, since like someone earlier said, she didnt scream as much.


its probably her being weak, she was incredibly scrawny in the film, or am i the only person who noticed that her curves seemed quite diminished here?

"they should give nicole kidman an oscar for being able to show any emotion after THAT much botox".


"I would expect Berry to scream a lot more though, I mean, it's not like having your arm broken is no biggie. Then again, I never broke mine, so may not be as bad."

I suppose it's different for everybody, but when I shattered my elbow it went numb as soon as I heard the crack. No pain till physical therapy, surprisingly.


wow has any one heard of the safety people??? like didnt they have saftey on the set to make sure it was choreographed right? like wow thats really f-d up like and what about stunt people to double for them because they know how to do this kind of stuff safe. wow these film makers are crazy! poor halle she does not deserve that, i hope she sued their asses! and donnidh got banned from touching anyone elses arms in furure movies


Choreography helps but, it doesn't stop accidents from happening. That's why dancers fall and why arms can get broken. If it's a sequence that should be relatively harmless, there isn't a reason for a stunt double to taker her place.

Like I said, accidents happen. To everyone. Even Halle.


I know a teacher who fell off a kindergarten chair (the really small ones) and broke her arm. She literally fell about 8 inches. Things like this happen. I'm sure she didn't sue anyone over it.

What kind of a sick b!tch takes the ice cube trays out of the freezer?


These things happen. In "Sherlock Holmes," the actor who played Dredger accidentally knocked Robert Downey Jr. out while the two were filming a fight scene. I'm pretty sure RDJ didn't sue either.


Demons I get. People are crazy


You've got to remember Halle is Diabetic and when your Diabetic nothing hurts


"I would expect Berry to scream a lot more though, I mean, it's not like having your arm broken is no biggie. Then again, I never broke mine, so may not be as bad."

I fractured my ulna bone before and it wasn't really painful. Although I cried a lot because of shock but I felt minimal pain. 7 years later tho, I broke my humerus bone and the pain was fcking insane.


finding this out really made my day. :)


keep losing weight girls you can snap like a twig too!!


I guess. I had completely forgotten about that weird story.
Maybe I should just forget about it again.


I don't think it depends on how thin or strong you are. Sometimes if your arm is twisted in a certain way it just breaks.

Have you never been like play fighting with your friends when you were younger and one of them twists your arm behind your back and it hurts so much!

He probably just did that and put way too much pressure on it than he should've in the heat of the moment. But like he said it's nobody's fault! Accidents happen!

"I was born ready bitch"
Samantha James (Just Friends)


Halle Berry hit some doors hard during the escape sequences. She really got into the part. Did a good job. Without her, the film is nothing.


i have early onset oesteoperosis so my bones are fragile.


Accidents happen. It is nice to see that Downey took responsibility & felt bad about it. I guess all that working out can be a bad thing (although he is still hot in the film).


i cant understand what scene it happened in. the scene where he tells her she killed her husband, he doesn't twist any arms. he just kinda hold her, like a strong embrace, and forces her down.


I don't think it's the one where he tells her she killed her husband. There's another one where he and one or more staff pin her down - I was thinking it might have been that one.


All I know is that RDJ can pin me down on a cot (sans broken arm).

I'm ME! She's SHE!!!!



Sh!t, are you serious!? Wow, that's... ouch. lol.


Real weird story but it's nice that he took responsibility and felt bad about it and Berry said she had no hard feelings, that it was a freak accident and they're good friends so she knows that he felt bad about it.

All's well that end's well.


LOL at autumn38......I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Where I was supposed to be feeling sorry for Halle I was actually thinking "Lucky b*tch. RDJ can pin me down anytime he wants...I most certainly wouldn't be complaining." hahahahaha

No-one knows how long 5 minutes are in the dark.



I'd let him break my arm.

I mean er... poor Halle.



I know this was old news but didn't you guys think "Iron Man broke Storm's arm!" comments now??


Really old post, but I have to say just a couple things:

1. I've broken my right collar bone, shattered my left elbow, broke my left collar bone (all within 3 years), fractured my ankle in 2 places at one time, and broke 4 toes on one foot (definitely not at the same time), and every single one of them hurt like a mother f*@^er. Chances are, she probably would have screamed.

2. After RDJ accidentally broke her arm, they halted production for 8 weeks. That's long enough for a broken bone to heal.

3. This one is my own opinion, so it's up for debate: The scene it happened was most likely the one where he told her that her husband was dead, but was re-shot AFTER filming resumed to have him push her down on the cot instead of twist her arm to avoid another incident, and because, though her arm would have healed in that time, her arm would still hurt like a b*$&% if aggravated.
