Really old post, but I have to say just a couple things:
1. I've broken my right collar bone, shattered my left elbow, broke my left collar bone (all within 3 years), fractured my ankle in 2 places at one time, and broke 4 toes on one foot (definitely not at the same time), and every single one of them hurt like a mother f*@^er. Chances are, she probably would have screamed.
2. After RDJ accidentally broke her arm, they halted production for 8 weeks. That's long enough for a broken bone to heal.
3. This one is my own opinion, so it's up for debate: The scene it happened was most likely the one where he told her that her husband was dead, but was re-shot AFTER filming resumed to have him push her down on the cot instead of twist her arm to avoid another incident, and because, though her arm would have healed in that time, her arm would still hurt like a b*$&% if aggravated.