What the F#*k!!!?

Now it Has been a while since i saw this movie(literaly i saw it in the cinema and have never looked back)

but it was on a few days ago and it was on before another film i actualy wanted to watch and it had about twnty or so minuets left, And it once again in that twenty minuets Gothika Confirmed itself to be one of the Dumbest movies i have ever seen

Seriously Did Halle berry do this before or after she won the Oscar, because if she did it after is there a way to take Oscars back!?

My gripe is in the ending, im sure its been mentiond but must vent

OH and spoiler warning (do not watch Gothika, but seriously there are some)

She did kill her Husband!!, albeit she was posesed,But there are certain factors that hve to come into play to claim self defence or Temporary insanity and i dont even think Alan Shore could have got this woman off,
Unless the supernatural aspects were proved or something? but the ending suggest otherwise, are there any legal minds about,(the best i can do is recall select episodes of Boston Legal) This move reminded me alot of What lies beneath exept that wasnt a piece of S*&t and actally had me gripped
damn this ending



There were nude scenes?



Yeah the very end of the film doesn't remotley suggest the supernatural,
Christ on a bike this film was bullsh&!t and *beep* you Halle Berie!!!


This movie does have supernatural elements in it, but seeing how people are still arguing the ending of this movie I don't think credit is being given where credit is due. Clearly this movie has left it open for people to decide, as you present your argument and then after argue it, it shows that these are not facts but are mere speculation and opinions.

Criticisms are not being given where they are due here.


I agree with you. I'm going into the field of psychology and after everything I'm learning as a graduate student - this movie (the ending and her being 'treated' at her own psychiatric and correctional facility) makes me want to toss the film out the window. The only thing refraining me from this action is Robert Downey Jr. (he's too adorable to throw out).

With that being said, both women killed someone who had it coming (and believe you me temporary insanity is next to near IMPOSSIBLE to prove in a court of law - that's a crime of 'convienance'). To me its the equivalent of a psychopath trying to prove he has dissociative disorder (split or mulitple personality disorder) to get out being tried for his crimes.

And to prove supernatural circumstances in the legal system - I may not be a law student but I took Psychology and Law when I was an undergrad and no freakin' way would that happen.



The ending didn't tell us that Miranda was crazy. Miranda remarked that she had successfully closed the door on the paranormal world and she was proven wrong when the boy in the street revealed to us and to Miranda that she was still open and connected to the spiritual world and ghosts will still reach out to her. It wasn't telling us "Miranda's crazy."


It's an old cliche in movies that if you kill a murderer that it is not illegal and you won't go to jail. Idiotic but Gothika is hardly the first movie to do this.
