Plot Hole

So if the sherrif was the one who was torturing and holding captive the girl that is released, wouldn't the girl recognise him. Surely she would see the sherrif at some point, he would be involved. That part was so stupid.

FYC: Black Swan, Franco, Portman, Hawkes, Adams, Aronofsky, Sorkin, Nolan


Easily explained. The sheriff might not have been a part of her capture/torture or rape. Perhaps they didn't act together...or not always together. It's conceivable that the sheriff had no part in what happened to her.

See? :)


Then who did capture/torture her, the other guy was already dead, unless there was a third person that was not implied at all, she hadn't been there for 3 years!!!

Thanks for answering btw

"When lightning strikes the sea, why don't all the fish die?"


You're welcome! The way that I interpreted it was...Halle's husband had her locked there and she had been there since before he died. Another explanation could be...the sheriff might have been wearing a mask or something when he abducted her. *shrugs*


I don't think she could have survived 3 years. I think the mask thing could work, but i'm sure it was still a plot hole in the script.....

"When lightning strikes the sea, why don't all the fish die?"


I don't understand what you mean by "3 years". Wasn't he killed just days earlier? She might have been a girl he recently kidnapped...and then his wife killed him a few days later. Did I miss a fact in the story?


Yea, cos she was in the mental hosipal for 3 years. Downey Jrs character mentions it, she killed her husband 3years ago!

"When lightning strikes the sea, why don't all the fish die?"


Oh, I'm almost certain that you are very mistaken. First of all, when she woke up and Robert Downey came in, she asked him how long she had been there...he said THREE DAYS. Second, when she goes back to her home, she walks into the still taped-off crime scene where there is still RED blood on the walls and floor. That certainly would have been cleaned up after 3 years. Third, the battery in the camera in that underground room wouldn't have worked after three years.

Could you have been mistaken about the 3 years?


hmmm, strange, maybe I have a different version to you, he definitly says 3 years in my copy, I just rewatched it....might do some digging....

"When lightning strikes the sea, why don't all the fish die?"


Hmmm, how bizzare, just watched the trailer and he does say 3 days, yet on my copy it sounds like he's saying 3 years, it is a burnt copy though, perhaps a bad audio sync or something....makes much more sense now!

"When lightning strikes the sea, why don't all the fish die?"


That's good. I also went back and watched that scene because I was starting to doubt myself. :)

Have a great holiday! :)


Lol, sorry for confusing you, thanks for letting me know, its been annoying me for years :)

"When lightning strikes the sea, why don't all the fish die?"


The girl under the farm house was Dougs last victim. He was probably supposed to go back for the girl, tourture some more then kill her, so she was under there for probably 2 weeks or so.



The sheriff attempted to inject Miranda with something (probably haldol or Ativan, commonly used in psych) in order to rape her without her fighting back. Maybe the sheriff was the one drugging the girls and taking them to the doctor. An IM injection hits pretty fast, so the girl probably didn't see the sheriff's face long enough to recognize him.

I wonder if the sheriff was ever taped though. And why did the doctor say "I love you" (or whatever) to the camera?


Just rewatched with my girl last night and he does indeed says 3 days ago
