Its an interesting interpretation, but I've always thought Chloe's expression is because deep down she knows both she and Miranda will never fully be able to forget what happened.
From her very first scene there's a melancholy about Chloe, and I think that sadness will always be there. She had a deeply traumatic childhood, and coupled with her time spent at the penitentiary, her life and memories will be far from normal. I know the ending is meant to be set some time after the main events of the film, but for all both she and Miranda went through, I doubt either of them could ever truly get over what happened. The best they can do is try to learn to live with it.
Miranda's statement that they both 'made it' is true in the sense that neither character is in any danger from Doug or the Sheriff, but when you consider the final scene - the apparition of Timmy, not even Miranda is truly "free." Their experiences have scarred them both, and for better or worse, both their lives have been inevitably changed.
The idea that Chloe is perhaps dead at the end is a spooky one, though. When I next watch the movie I'll see how bearing it in mind changes the mood of the ending.