Back in the day

Like 2004 to 2009 I wish the places I worked at allowed us to *beep* with peoples food that were asses but they wouldn't but I still made mad money


I wouldn't want to eat at a place that encouraged employees to mess with the food. And I say this as a generous tipper, easy-going customer and somebody who spent 12 years in the restaurant industry.

Also, 2009 is NOT "Back in the day." Get off my lawn.


Restaurant I worked in, where I was a chef, we never touched people's food. The only difference in treatment was that if someone was complimentary then their following course they would get a larger or more succulent cut of whatever they ordered. If they were rude however then they got exactly what they expected, the portion that was on the menu with no special treatment. If it came with a ramekin of 20ml of blueberry sauce, that's what they got, not a millilitre more - if it wasn't enough they'd be charged for the extra.

Even in restaurants where we won't mess with food you will still get a better experience if you are polite to our waiting staff.

The customer is always right, but the server knows what goes on in the kitchen XD

Ya Kirk-loving Spocksucker!


