MovieChat Forums > Neko no ongaeshi (2005) Discussion > a problem with the ending .

a problem with the ending .

I really enjoyed the cat returns up until the very end where haru tells the baron that she has a crush on him , and looses interest in the human boy she used to like.

Am i the only one creeped out by this? I mean thats bestiality !

Now, i could be wrong- i was watching a subtitled japanese version where the subtitle read "i have a crush on you" so maybe theres a translation mistake . If there isnt though, then....eeew.

Did anyone else notice this?



I don't think the two things are related, to be honest. Haru is seeing beyond the obvious facade on the Baron and has developed a crush because of his dashing, romantic heroics.

She's no longer desperate to get the attention of the boy from school because she has realised she doesn't NEED a boyfriend to justify her existance. Haru has learned to be self reliant and to have faith in herself - and not to panic over whether she is considered "cool" or not. It's a pretty good message for young girls, although I WAS wondering when exactly she got a haircut between getting dropped on the school roof and making breakfast next outward sign of her new maturity maybe?


Be that as it may, she still has the hots for a cat ! That aint right.



No, she likes the cat for his personality.


I agree with The Dreaded Drutt's take on the ending.

I also had to say that I thought it was very refreshing that there wasn't the fairy-tale ending which I had been half expecting to see of her coming back and suddenly just getting the guy she fancied and living happily ever after with him just because she had a bit more confidence.

Life's not always as easy as that and while confidence is great, being happy with ones-self and self-assured and self-reliant, rather than desperate and needy, are good skills to develop and ones which she had clearly learned.


Well she used to be a cat!
Maybe she still goes nuts over catnip too


She was a cat way too long. Maybe she was still thinking like one.
Best thing ever.


I believe it has something to do with the fact that she developed a crush on the barnon as a cat because of his daring nature - not beastiality but more like an innner cat spirit within her (thus talking to cats). Recall the look she gave him as the baron carried her up the tower stairs, and how the baron was being a 'show off' by doing so. There seems to be a mutual feeling of a crush/admiration between the two and a more visual resistance on the part of the baron to keep it strickly professional on a part of his bureau. It seems to me more of a rescuer - rescued relationship. The crush, it appears, is paralleling the crush she had on the popular boy in school who was dating the freshmen. In addition, she is shown as more assertive in telling the baron right to his face. This is as a result of her experience - aka she remembers it (as opposed to the Japanese verison of Spirited Away where the girl does not remember her experience). I dont know if thats right. Thats just what I got out of it, that it made her trust in herself and her own feelings and those feelings are thus reflected to show the transition.

If it is a translation issue, it is probably not a mistake, it is probably an issue of translator's preferance as multiple words may be used. It would be interesting to know more about this.


I don't see it as bestiality, because the Baron had the same brain as a human, and other then his cat face, his body seemed to be human. (he had hands, not paws) Oh, but who knows.

"All we know is that we like you....we have no taste, but we like you."


He's well-dressed, dashing, chivalrous- that's something that would impress some girls. Plus, at one point he carries her up the steps because she's too tired.

Though the Baron isn't a person I felt that would have romantic feelings towards Haru, like most men of a chivalrous nature, he does have a protective side towards women.

It's me, your lovable dictator! Uh-oh. -Bender, Futurama


One more thing. He's not really a "cat". He's a magical "toy" that comes to life like Pinocio (sp?) and the Nutcracker. There have been stories that have girls fall in love with non humans before. Beauty and The Beast and one about a princess and a toad prince.

