MovieChat Forums > Neko no ongaeshi (2005) Discussion > Near the end gets me every time (repost,...

Near the end gets me every time (repost, sort of)

I don't know if you will understand or just laugh at me for thinking so...but as I once said (post was deleted when I changed accounts), I just love the one scene in TCR. It is not quite the end/climax, but part of it,'s when Prince Lune returns and when we find out exactly who Yuki is. Those of you who saw the movie know what I'm talking about, I assume, but otherwise gonna keep this just spoilerish enough. Anyway it's just beautiful how things come full circle from the flashback near the beginning to here. And somehow, I can't stop myself from getting misty-eyed when I see the scene in question. It's touching in itself, but also maybe because it somehow makes me recall my own, late cat, and how it reminds me of the consideration I wish more and more people shared for cats and other animals.

You can start making fun now ;-)



I just saw The Cat Returns last week and absolutely fell in love with its whimsical humor and touching charm. And fear not--even a 23-year-old guy with all sorts of rugged facial hair almost cried a tear when I found out the true identity of Yuki. It is nothing to make fun of--it is purely a heartfelt reaction from a lover of wonderful cinema and a true kid at heart to a gorgeously sentimental moment from which all such tales could benefit. Bravo.



...then the scene would be even more poignant to you had it followed the original comic exactly (BTW, the overall film story followed the comic very closely except for this). ***Comic spoiler ahead*** Yuki was Haru's long-missing kitten. When Haru found this out, she embraced Yuki, saying something to the effect, "and I was worried that you might have been killed." Yuki's suddenly distraught face (unseen by Haru) said it all.


Indeed. Still, the movie version of things gets me a little more. Maybe because in addition to what I said originally, maybe seeing it touched a part of me that wished that, like Haru, I could save a cat or know, keep them from harm of any kind.



I kind of got the yuki thing way before it was revealed so I didn't cry or anything.

I went to Kelis's yard for some milkshake, it was only O.K.


I didn't cry either... I knew since the first flashback when there are the little fish biscuits and the cat eats them. The same white cat with the blue eyes. I found that obvious, unfortunately. As soon as I saw her when Haru stepped into the cat kingdom (or kat kingdom, if you will) I new it.

Does that mean I'm good or bad? I wanna be able to cry!


I knew it too, I thought it was very clear right from the beginning. But as it's been mentioned, the looks in everyone's eyes during the actual revelation was absolutely lovely. I was moved almost to the point of tears just because of the beauty of the scene.


I got misty-eyed during that scene too, even though I knew that was the cat from the flashback. I cry in nearly all the Ghibli films I've seen though...


Long story short: cats are cute, be nice to them.


My husband & I just watched this movie for the first time last night, and I totally immediately teared up at that part too... it really surprised me! The flashback scene was painfully cute in and of itself, so then I guess finding out it was Yuki kinda pushes you over the edge. Yeah I felt silly & hoped my husband wouldn't look at me ;P


I loved the scene with the cat flashback, however I too saw the big plot twist coming. Although while we're on the subject of "the ending", everything wraps up so nicely which is quite a feat for an hour long movie, it's probably one of the ONLY movies I've ever seen where I'm sad at the end because even though everything ends all happy, there's that feeling of "Goodbye" with such great characters.


What tears me up is the scene when she is saved by the crows. Don't ask me why, maybe becouse the fact you know she saved by then and is out of danger, that it hits home that she will be alright.

It gets me every time when I see that scene.


i thought it was funny that haru referd to yuki as "that filthy kitten" so rude ^^ i think its cool that the japanese voice is aki meada who plays noriko in battle royale

a film i made with love about nerds
