MovieChat Forums > Neko no ongaeshi (2005) Discussion > Wait, the one review is wrong.

Wait, the one review is wrong.

The one review listed for this movie is wrong. It claims that the movie is PG for "frightening scenes, brief sensuality and language". Many sources (including the DVD cover and the IMDB itself) lists this film as being G-rated.
I just watched the movie and, despite the violence (most of which was comical and didn't result in the on-screen deaths of any characters, though there were two off-screen deaths and it's suggested later that perhaps they didn't actually die), I would definately say that it's G-rated. I don't know what movie the reviewer saw, but I don't remember any sensuality or language, and frightening scenes...maybe.


My version is I rated (suitable for all), I guess I missed the sensuality though.

I think that the tower exploding is probably frightning to Americans because of 9/11 and the bit at the end where she says that she has a crush on the baron is probalby counted as sex in a prudish country like the US.

If you mean the two cats who are thrown out of the window, they are alive and well and sitting at the bottom of the tower (cats always land on their feet), so they didn't die.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


"at the end where she says that she has a crush on the baron is probalby counted as sex in a prudish country like the US. "

THAT counts as having sex? Just saying it?


No, the poster you are replying to HATES Americans. He/she/it will call us oversexed hedons in one post and will call us prudes in the others.


"No, the poster you are replying to HATES Americans. He/she/it will call us oversexed hedons in one post and will call us prudes in the others." dballred on Thu Apr 2 2009 11:18:18

I thought that was just the north south divide! LOL.


Bottomline is, the reviewer is wrong. It happens from time to time.
